Procedure 6.7.2 - College Sponsored Events Procedure

Part 1: Purpose

Provide guidance for the use of °µÍø½ûÇø (LSC) buildings, parking lots, and/or land for events that are sponsored by LSC.

Part 2: Definitions

Subpart A: Internal College Meetings and Events

Meetings or events that faculty, staff, or students organize in the course of performing college business.

Subpart B: College Sponsored Events

Events where LSC and/or the LSC Foundation collaborates with outside groups or organizations to provide an activity for college faculty, staff, or the general public. The College President or designee must approve all events sponsored by the College. Approval depends upon whether the event is beneficial to the College and space/staff availability. The President or designee will determine whether a fee is charged for the event.

Rental of college facilities by an external organization is covered under College Procedure 6.7.1.

Part 3:  Applicability

  1. All requests for sponsored events must have an employee sponsor. The sponsor is responsible for entering the event request into the college scheduling system.
  2. If the event is outside of building hours, special written permission must first be obtained from the college President or Vice President of Finance & Administration. The written permission must be attached to the request in the college scheduling system. A separate fee will be charged to cover the cost of security and maintenance overtime.
  3. Events are approved once the room scheduled is approved in the college scheduling system.
  4. If the event requires a special room set-up, the sponsor must use the ticket system to contact the facilities department and provide them with set-up information and a document detailing the set-up.
  5. If the event is canceled, the employee sponsor is responsible for entering the cancellation in the appropriate college system(s). Any special fees that apply will still be charged if the event is not properly canceled.
  6. A Guest Lecturer/Presenter Contract may need to be completed and approved by the Minnesota State Office of General Counsel for liability purposes.


Date Implemented: May 16, 2018

Date reviewed/updated: November 2024

President's Signature Date: December 5, 2024

President's Signature