Procedure 4.11.1 - Employee Email Communication & Expectations

Part 1: Implementation of Policy 4.11

The Minnesota State system office Information Technology Services (ITS) will assign employees an official 做厙輦⑹ (LSC) email address of LSC will send email communication to this official address. If an employee chooses to forward their official email address to an outside vendor (e.g. they do so at their own risk. LSC is not responsible for email handling by outside vendors or for email redirected to another account. Users are responsible for handling government data to which they have access or control in accordance with applicable data practices laws per Minnesota State Board Procedure 5.22.1 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources, Part 7, Sub. A.

Subpart A: Educational Use of Email

Faculty will determine how email will be used in their classes and will specify their requirements in the course syllabus. Faculty can expect that students official LSC email accounts are being accessed per LSC Policy 3.1 Students Rights & Responsibilities, and faculty can use email for their classes accordingly.

Subpart B: Acceptable Use of Email

In general, email is not appropriate for transmitting sensitive or confidential information unless its use for such purposes is matched by an appropriate level of security. Confidentiality regarding student records is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). All use of email, including use for sensitive or confidential information, will be consistent with FERPA.

Users are expected to be knowledgeable of and to fully comply with all aspects of Minnesota State Board Policy 5.22 and LSC Procedure 5.22.1 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources.

Part 2: Mass Email

Mass emails must be approved or sent by authorized users only.

Subpart A:

While students and employees may maintain personal group lists, those lists should not be used to send unsolicited email that violates any of LSCs policies.

Subpart B:

LSC email is only for official college business. Use of college-wide email distribution lists should be solely used for information important to that specific distribution list.

Subpart C:

LSC may establish e-newsletters for employees or students with the intent of reducing mass email use. These newsletters aggregate important but not necessarily urgent information into a single message. Examples of items more appropriate for e-newsletters instead of mass emails include caf矇 menus, fitness center schedules, art shows, music performances, bookstore sales, social gatherings, optional training classes, employee achievement news, or athletic results. Such newsletters will be managed by either the Student Life Office (for students) or the Marketing Department (for employees).

Subpart D:

In partnership with the Minnesota State system office, emergency messages may be sent via email, phone, and/or text message to employees and students. Employees and students must opt-in for the type of method (all or a select few). These emergency messages alert employees and students about campus closures due to inclement weather, mechanical or safety reasons, or an active crime. For campus closures, other communication methods may also be employed including official LSC email, the LSC website home page, or local media outlets.

Part 3: Access to college-wide email distribution lists

The following individuals have access to the use of college-wide email distribution lists:

  • President
  • Vice Presidents
  • Registrar
  • Communication Specialist
  • Deans
  • Student Life Coordinator
  • Executive Diversity Officer
  • Information Technology Staff
  • Administrative Assistants to the President and Vice Presidents
  • Supervisor(s) in the Business Office

Part 4: Exceptions

  1. The Presidents Cabinet may approve permanent or temporary access to a college-wide email distribution list for another faculty or staff member. Giving permanent or temporary access to someone to use a college-wide email distribution list will allow email replies to go directly to that individual.
  2. For employees who have been granted access to use the distribution lists, messages must be reviewed by their supervisor or another administrator for options and approval before being sent.

Related Links and Documents


Policy 5.2 Email Accounts upon review was determined to be outdated. Based on faculty and staff feedback, a new policy and procedure around email account responsibilities and expectations was created and renumbered under Chapter 4 Human Resources as Policy 4.11 and Procedure 4.11.1 Employee Email Communication & Expectations. Policy 5.2 Email Accounts is rescinded.

Date Implemented:May 6, 2003

Date Updated:November 2007

Date Reviewed/Revised:February 2024

President's Signature Date: May 1, 2024

President's Signature