Procedure 1A.11.1 - Building and Service Hours
Part 1: Building Hours
Days | Fall/Spring Hours | Summer Hours | Term Break Hours |
紼棗紳餃硃聆T堯喝娶莽餃硃聆 | 6:30泭插紼-10:00泭捩紼 | 6:30泭插紼-9:00泭捩紼 | 泭6:30 AM-6:00 PM |
Friday | 6:30泭插紼-9:00泭捩紼 | 6:30泭插紼-5:00泭捩紼 | 泭6:30 AM-6:00 PM |
Saturday | 8:00 AM-4:00 PM | 詁聆泭硃娶娶硃紳眶梗鳥梗紳喧 | 詁聆泭硃娶娶硃紳眶梗鳥梗紳喧 |
Sunday | By arrangement | 詁聆泭硃娶娶硃紳眶梗鳥梗紳喧 | 詁聆泭硃娶娶硃紳眶梗鳥梗紳喧 |
Days | Fall/Spring Hours | Summer Hours | Term Break Hours |
紼棗紳餃硃聆F娶勳餃硃聆 | 7:30 AM-11:00 PM | 7:30 AM-11:00 PM | By arrangement |
釦硃喧喝娶餃硃聆S喝紳餃硃聆 | By arrangement | 詁聆泭硃娶娶硃紳眶梗鳥梗紳喧 | 詁聆泭硃娶娶硃紳眶梗鳥梗紳喧 |
Flight Hours | By arrangement | 詁聆泭硃娶娶硃紳眶梗鳥梗紳喧 | 詁聆泭硃娶娶硃紳眶梗鳥梗紳喧 |
Days | Fall/Spring Hours | Summer Hours | Term Break Hours |
紼棗紳餃硃聆F娶勳餃硃聆 | Gate Closed 10:00 PM6:00 AM |
Gate Closed 4:00 PM6:00 AM |
Open by arrangement |
釦硃喧喝娶餃硃聆S喝紳餃硃聆 | Open by arrangement | Open by arrangement | Open by arrangement |
Part 2:泭 Holiday Building Closures
All 做厙輦⑹ (LSC) buildings will be closed for actual or observed holidays covered by union contracts.泭 The LSC main campus building will be closed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) that have an actual or observed holiday falling on the preceding Friday, or the following Monday.泭 Other LSC locations may remain open on Saturdays that are not actual or observed holidays.
Part 3: Service Hours
做厙輦⑹ (LSC) will maintain regular service hours year-round. 泭Individual service offices that have a LSC website will post their hours on that page.泭 Service offices without a specific website will post their hours in a place that is accessible to their service recipients.
Regular service office hour changes must be approved by the president. Each service office is responsible for updating the posted hours to the approved changes.
Subpart A: Specific Service Office Hours
Offices with a primary role of providing services to students include:
- Business Office
- Career Services
- Center for Equity and Inclusion
- Library
- LSC Store
- LSC IceHawk Caf矇
- Student Accessibility Services
- Student Life
- Student Services
- Student Technology Center
- Tutoring and Learning Center
- Veterans Center
- Wellness Center
These service offices will have a set schedule and must be staffed appropriately for the expected demand. The manager must ensure that the service office remains open according to the schedule. Supervisors may use their discretion when granting leave or telework schedules to their staff.泭 Information Technology will have staff available to support them.
Subpart B: Exceptions
- Extended service hours may occur one week before and after the start of the semester. Service offices should work to maintain consistent hours, but each office may determine the need for extended hours.
- Courses held outside of building hours on the main campus require security and can require maintenance to be on-site, so require prior approval from the vice president of finance and administration.
- Exceptions to established schedule hours will be communicated in advance by the administration.
Subpart C:泭 Continuing Education and Customized Training Service hours
Continuing Education and Customized Training (CECT) will set their schedule based on arrangements with their customers, with the expectation of courses and training usually being scheduled during building hours. CECT is required to pay for any costs incurred for any additional hours.
Related Documents:
A revision to Policy 1A.11 and Procedure 1A.11.2 was required after MMB and the Minnesota State Board of Trustees rewrote their weather and short-term emergency closing policies to reflect the ability of many state employees to telework and continue working during weather-related and emergency closing events.
Date Implemented:泭February 8, 2013
Date Updated:泭January 12, 2014; October 27, 2017
Date Reviewed/Revised:泭January 2024
President's Signature Date: March 14, 2024
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 1: General
- 1A.1 - Organization and Administration
- 1A.10 - Institutional Surveys
- 1A.11 - 做厙輦⑹ Hours
- 1B.1 - Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education
- 1B.3 - Sexual Violence
- 1B.4 - Access for Individuals with Disabilities
- 1B.5 - Institutional Equity
- 1C.1 - Data Practices and Retention
- 1C.2 - Fraudulent or Other Dishonest Acts
- 1C.3 - Employee Code of Conduct